1. News -

    The What’s Your Move website has it all!
  2. News -

    Our new deep-dive analysis of people's experiences of healthcare communication is a stark reminder of why NHS England and the 42 new Integrated Care Systems need to ensure services abide by the Accessible Information Standard.
  3. Blog -

    People with little or no English struggle at all points of their healthcare journey. Our new research shines a light on barriers and delays to care they often experience and calls for equal access for all.
  4. Report -

    The NHS Long Term Plan is a new plan for the NHS to improve the quality of patient care
    and health outcomes. At Healthwatch Barnsley we wanted to ensure that residents were able to have their say on the plan. We reached different sections of our community both geographically and by reaching out to communities who are seldom heard and we did this in a number of different ways..
  5. Report -

    Healthwatch Barnsley held the BSL Users Healthy Day in partnership with the DEAForum, Leeds Involving People, and Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (BMBC).
  6. Report -

    To support the CQC #Declare Your Care Initiative, we spoke to adults with a learning disability and/or their carers to gain an understanding of their experience of receiving health and social care services.
  7. Report -

    This report summarises the key outputs and findings from the NHS Long Term Plan Engagement Programme
    undertaken in the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw ICS area.
  8. Report -

    As part of our Engagement work on the NHS Long Term Plan we wanted to make sure that we captured the voice of as many residents as possible, especially the ones from seldom heard groups.
  9. Report -

    As part of our engagement work on the NHS Long Term plan we wanted to make sure we reached as many residents as possible to ensure that their voices were heard. We know that the voices of Refugees and Asylum Seekers are very often missed and we wanted to give them the opportunity to have their say.
  10. Report -

    As part of our Engagement work on the NHS Long Term Plan we wanted to capture as many resident voices as possible especially the ones which are seldom heard.
  11. Report -

    The services for Blind and Partially Sighted People in Barnsley are limited, and those that are available appear to be
    underfunded and stretched beyond their capacity.
  12. Report -

    Following on from our report in 2015 regarding C-Card access we decided to re-visit the subject to see if there has been any improvement in communications and uptake.
  13. News -

    Take this short survey to let the NHS in South Yorkshire know what's important to you - and how they can make services work better for you, your family, and your community.
  14. News -

    Patient champion appeals for more people to feedback on NHS care.
  15. Advice and Information -

    SUDEP Action has launched its new resources for people with a learning disability and autistic people with epilepsy to help people live safer lives.
  16. Blog -

    Chris McCann, Director of Communications Insight and Campaigns at Healthwatch England, explains the role people can play in improving health outcomes in their communities.
  17. Report -

    During Hygiene Poverty Awareness Week in October 2023, we spoke to Barnsley people about what hygiene poverty meant to them, their hygiene needs and if they were finding it difficult to buy hygiene products

  18. Report -

    During December 2023, Healthwatch Barnsley conducted a survey to find out what people in Barnsley really knew about Adult Safeguarding.

  19. Advice and Information -

    The Accessible Information Standard is mandatory for all organisations that provide National Health Service (NHS) or adult social care. Here’s some key information about the accessible communications you should expect from services.