BSL Users Healthy Day Report on findings
The aim of this event was to create an opportunity to work together to improve experiences and outcomes for Deaf service users and their families/carers and children, and to encourage and support good practice. The event was also an opportunity to promote the DEAForum, and the Deaf Club, encouraging participation and volunteering, whilst also providing Barnsley’s Deaf citizens with the opportunity to find out about and share their experiences of the health and social care services they access.
We were joined on our BSL Healthy Day by a number of service providers who were keen to recieve feedback from the deaf community on how easy it was to access their services and if there was any improvements that could be made. We held four workshops on the day and recorded feedback and recommendations from each session. The sessions were
- Health, wellbeing and lifestyle
- Access to General Practitioners
- Mental Health Workshop
- Barnsley Hosptial Workshop
To find how services are working for our deaf community in Barnsley download a copy of the full report below.
I thought “just leave me alone”, as I didn’t understand and there were no interpreters available. It’s easy to clarify things for a hearing person, but we really struggle
If you require a copy of this report in a different format please telephone 01226 320106 or email