What do Barnsley people know about Adult Safeguarding?

We asked questions like;
- What are peoples understanding of safeguarding?
- Are they aware of the Safeguarding Adults Board? If so do they know what their role is?
- If they were worried that an adult they knew was being abused or neglected, would they know how and where to get help?
- What more do they think could be done in Barnsley to support adults who may be at risk of abuse or neglect?
We promoted the survey on the Healthwatch Barnsley website, social media channels, and it was shared with the Barnsley Place Communications Team and Barnsley Councils Weekly Circulation from the Community Engagement Team. It was also promoted by Barnsley Safeguarding Adult Board.
In addition to this the Healthwatch Barnsley Engagement Team spent some time in the atrium at Barnsley Market on the 12th December and spoke to people face to face and completed paper copies of the survey with them.
What you told us
Have a read at the report to find out what we learned