Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Experience Report

We began looking into CAMHS in 2014. Through our outreach and engagement work in the local community, we had picked up a number of comments and case studies about access to the service and long waits. We had also received some case studies (patient stories) that highlighted that there were problems with the CAMH service which was impacting upon individual’s experiences.

During 2014, the Healthwatch Children’s Engagement Worker and the Young Champions went to schools, parks and community centres to gather the views of secondary school aged young people on the subject of emotional health and wellbeing. For this project Healthwatch Barnsley engaged with a total of 341 young people, who participated in an emotional health and wellbeing survey designed with the support of the Young Champions.

64% of the parents and carers were pleased with the service they received. Their comments included

"Very good, seeing improvements in behaviour, we will be 2 months into therapy"

13% of those surveyed were not happy with their experience, stating their reasons as

"I know CAMHS is a very busy service but we have now been coming for 2 ½ years and are still no further along with knowing what my son’s condition is, it’s very frustrating as I cannot get any support from others until we know"

Read our full report on the work we did with children and young people and their families, and how we reported back to commissioners.

We also produced a number of recommendations and next steps.


If you require a copy of this report in a different format please telephone us on 01226 320106 or email

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Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Experience Report

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