Barnsley’s Affordable Warmth Charter Mark

We’re pleased to have recently signed the Barnsley Affordable Warmth Charter to make sure our tenants live in warm, healthy, energy efficient homes.

Working with partner organisations across the borough we can share knowledge, expertise, and resources on tackling the health inequalities caused by fuel poverty.

Signing up to the charter means organisations pledge using one or more of the five key priorities:

  • Energy efficient homes
  • Affordable energy 
  • Employment, education, and skills
  • Partnership working
  • Low carbon commitments

The Charter supports our net zero carbon ambition to improve the environmental and energy performance of our housing stock. This will help keep our tenants warm, reduce their overall energy costs, and in turn help to alleviate fuel poverty, while also reducing your carbon emissions.

You can read more about the Barnsley Charter for Affordable Warmth 2022-2023 here.